First Impressions

 Greetings from Andoya!
We've just arrived and now are busily preparing for the presentations which are to be held tomorrow.
From our window
Andoya is nice and small and we stay at the seashore! I and Andi share a small wooden house with the Portuguese girls, while Zsolt and Gellért stay at a hotel just a few meters from our place. t Some photos made right now:

Home, sweet home

Tommorow's programme is an introductory presentation from every team in which they introduce themselves and tell about their mission. After that, the technical inspection of the CanSats will take place.
Right now we are doing some last-minute revision of the presentation, but concentrating is hard, since interesting conversations keep arising. Anyway, these pictures will tell more about it:
Constructive mess

Andi and Gellért working with the Prezi

Me (Kriszta) writing the post you're reading now
Zsolt.... staring!

Our trip from Bucharest was quite tiring: we set of at six in the morning for Frankfurt and arrived to Oslo shortly after noon. There, we visited the Science and Technology Museum  where we were children for some time. The Norwegian are all eager to help tourists and give them directions and what I found a bit surprising was that everyone spoke English fluently. 
Many of the buildings around here are made of wood. The air's clean and the fjords... amazing.
Oslo - Opera

One of our planes


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