Testing DHU

Thanks to Andrea's father we have a testing DHU (Data Handling Unit) which was built according to our real CanSat's DHU data sheet, so it has almost the same specifications, processor and port names. The only difference between the the real and testing DHU is in their size: The one for testing is about two times bigger, than the one form the Pratthobbies kit, but this is not a problem, since we do not intend to use it in building our cansat.

One of the advanteges of having this extra DHU is that Gellért can experiment with the programme development while the real cansat is "under construction". By this we mean the integration of our optical dust sensor which was thoroughly described in an older post.

As you cans see on the picture below we were also provided with a PHILIPS temperature sensor (the long black object sticking out) and there is a LED integrated into the board. The LED mainly has the role of an indicator. At the programs end there is a command to turn it on for a small amount of time, so if the LED starts flashing after we upload the program to the board it means the program is running smoothly without any interruption.


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