Secondary mission

The given sensor board
Besides the two obligatory tasks (measuring the air temperature and pressure) of which hardware is given by ESA and NAROM every team has a so called secondary mission, which is chosen by the team members according to their interests.
As a secondary mission we  intend to measure the air quality by detecting the dust particles in the proximity of our CanSat with an optical dust sensor. Based on the information received form this sensor we will be able to define the quantity of dust in air strata of equal height determined by us.

Where did the idea come from?
Nowadays, air pollution is being taken more and more seriously, not only by scientists, but also by everyday people. It is something that we can hear very much about and that's how the idea of focusing on pollution came up. Then we found out from our teacher that in our region dust causes serious health problems, but in spite of this fact, it hasn't yet been seriously considered and no significant measurements were made. With our project we could raise public awareness regarding pollution and we would help gathering data about dust density, besides the official launch.


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