Az Európai Csillagászati Szövetség (EAAE) és az Európai Déli Csillagvizsgáló (ESO) újabb versenyt hirdet iskolások számára. A dolgod az lenne, hogy írj egy esszét valamilyen csillagászati objektumról, eseményről, jelenségről vagy saját csillagászati kutatásaidról, megfigyeléseidről. Mindezt angol nyelven. Keress egy érdekes, ötletes témát és máris jó eséllyel indulsz a versenyen.
Ha szükséged van segítségre, megtalálsz a fizikumban.
Információkat a verseny honlapján talász.
Az angol nyelvű felhívást itt is olvashatod.
Have you already submitted your application to the European Astronomy Contest 'Catch a Star'? If not, this are the last days when you can enter the competition. Details here: http://www.eaae-astronomy.org/ catchastar/participate-menu
The goal of the European Astronomy Contest Catch a Star is to stimulate the creativity and independent work of students from European secondary schools, to strengthen and expand their astronomical knowledge and skills, and to help the spread of information technologies in the educational process.
Catch a Star is a contest that has been held as a result of the collaboration between the European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE) and European Southern Observatory (ESO).
The idea of the Catch a Star program is to encourage students to work together, to learn about astronomy and discover things for themselves by researching information on an astronomical object.
Here are instructions for entering the competition:
What do I need to do?
Write a report about an astronomical topic of your own choice (this could be a specific astronomical object, phenomenon, observation, scientific problem, theory, and so on). You may also wish to include practical activities such as your own observations, or experiments.
Your report must be in English.
Please do not use automatic translators such as "Babelfish".
Please follow the rules and guidelines below, in "What do I need to include in my project?".
When is the deadline for entries?
The deadline for all entries is 20th of June, 2015, at 17:00h Central European Time.
How do I submit my entry?
- Develop the Project in .PDF file;
- The project has to be e-mailed in pdf format to astro.edu@gmail.com;
- The project must be submitted until the 20th of June, 2015, at 17:00h Central European Time.
What do I need to include in my project?
Here are some rules and guidelines for Catch a Star projects:
- Include a bibliography listing references for the source documents and images you have used.
- Your report should be no longer than about 5 000 words.
- It is important that your project is your own work. It is not enough just to copy text from other articles. This is why you should reference the sources you have used by citing them in a bibliography.
- We encourage you to choose an original topic. Original projects will do better than, for example, several very similar projects from the same school class.
- Please write as clearly as possible. Pay attention to scientific accuracy, clear language, and good design of your document as a whole.
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